I'm sorry for breaking this entry into two parts, I cant stand having long posts, I just dislike reading it. I have a feeling you dont too, it's such a DRAG. Also, I'm not "THAT" diligent in doing one right away, a girl's gotta eat and sleep! So here's the second part of our experience at the temple, a day late. I sincerely apologize for that...
Here we go!
The Ladies after listening to the Guru now progressing into prayers. |
Here we have the Punjabi ladies getting up, getting ready to pray. They will have a representative to come up to the front and they will share their prayers to their God. Rafi told us they are praying for wealth, health and the safety and security for themselves, families, friends and for the victims of the Earthquakes in New Zealand and Japan. Here's the "panoramic" view of it:
A girl running in to join the prayer |
The man in the front representing them in prayers |
Here's a clearer view of the man:
The representative |
Well, this was as clear as it can get! Haha. After their prayers, they sat back down again and a girl walked up to the podium and lift the orange tapestry and revealed their holy book. She began reading it while others started standing up, donate some money in their donation box that is located in front of the podium and prostrated on the floor. Rafi said this was to give their individual silent prayers to God and if they wish, donate a little money for the temple's fund.
A girl reading their "kitab" |
Here's a picture of the girl reading the Sanskrit. She's only 17 who's name we cannot disclose, honestly speaking she wont mention her name. She was too shy. We don't understand what she's reading but the way she read it was beautiful. She has that singing voice going on while reading it was as Rafi puts it, "Soothing".
Close up of the Holy Book |
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